Tag Archives: youtube


10 Mar



Love this tv series


No, I’m not talking about any type of bad addictions. Instead, I am talking about TV series and music and many more. It happens with me that if I miss one episode of my favorite TV series I start panicking and search for it on YouTube. Or if Taylor or MGK or Ed Sheeran drops a new song or album and I am day late to recognize it,  I feel very sad, like seriously (By the way, listen to Ed Sheeran’s new album ”divide”  its awesome and is totally free on YouTube).

Recently I’m watching a TV series “The Middle ” and I love it. But when today I went to Google and searched for “The Middle” images, I discovered that season 8 has already begun, and in romedy now channel its season 5. And I was like “What, they are showing me the old series, but never mind I still love it”. It airs at 8 P.M and I’m with my chocolates or snacks to watch it.I hope the new series of “Scorpion” in AXN will be out soon because I also love this detective series. Actually, it is not detective but some kind of secret agent thingy.


Divide album

Before 3rd of march(release date of Ed Sheeran’s new album) I already thought that I would buy that album for my birthday. But something miracle happened and  Ed Sheeran released his entire album on YouTube on March 3rd. I am so happy and it is so kind of Ed to release his entire album on Youtube. Thankx Ed….I love your album. My favorite songs from the album are Shape of you; Nancy Mulligan; Castle on the hill; new man; eraser……….actually I love the entire album of Ed.<3

I want to know your tv series and song addiction so please comment. I would love to see your choices and maybe watch them. Thanks for reading.:)